Louie Simmons – The Westside Barbell Book of Methods


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I use a 3-week wave system which leads into circa max and delayed transformation. The soviet system I started 30 years ago prolonged my career to the point where I made top 10 lifts at 54 years old. It has enabled Westside lifters to break 100 plus world records and has helped countless more.


[1 eBook – PDF]



Louie Simmons - The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

Louie Simmons – The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

Check it out: Louie Simmons – The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

This book is a collection of training methods I have obtained throughout the past 30 years.

I spent 12 years training with the wrong methods, one being the western periodization that is a dead-end street.

I use a 3-week wave system which leads into circa max and delayed transformation. The soviet system I started 30 years ago prolonged my career to the point where I made top 10 lifts at 54 years old. It has enabled Westside lifters to break 100 plus world records and has helped countless more.

I am proud our resume is never up to date. Why? Because we constantly break new records all the time, check out our top lifts in the back of the book and then check out our website for updated records. You will be amazed!

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Louie Simmons - The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

Louie Simmons - The Westside Barbell Book of Methods